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Fairylore and Mythical Beings

Meaning of Butterflies: Symbolism and Significance Explained

Posted by Loida Fajardo on

Butterflies are more than just beautiful creatures fluttering around in nature. They hold a significant meaning in various cultures and symbolize different things to different people. From representing transformation and rebirth to being a symbol of the soul, butterflies have a deep and rich history. In many cultures, butterflies are seen as a symbol of transformation and change. This is due to their life cycle, where they start as a caterpillar, cocoon themselves, and emerge as a beautiful butterfly. This transformation is often associated with personal growth and development, making the butterfly a powerful symbol of change. Additionally, butterflies are...

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Spring God: Exploring Mythology & Symbolism of the Season of Renewal

Posted by Loida Fajardo on

As winter fades away and the weather starts to warm up, it's natural to feel a sense of hope and renewal. For many cultures throughout history, this feeling has been associated with a specific deity: the Spring God. This divine figure represents the power of nature to bring new life and growth after a period of dormancy and darkness. In ancient Greek mythology, the Spring God was known as Dionysus. He was worshipped as the god of wine and fertility, and was often depicted with a wreath of ivy leaves on his head. In Norse mythology, the goddess Eostre was...

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Mermaid Tears Myth: Debunking the Belief in Tears of Sorrow from Mythical Creatures

Posted by Loida Fajardo on

The legend of mermaid tears has been around for centuries and has been the subject of countless stories, poems, and songs. According to the myth, mermaids cry tears of pearls when they are sad or in distress. These tears are said to be incredibly valuable and are sought after by sailors and treasure hunters alike.

While the idea of mermaid tears may seem like nothing more than a fanciful legend, there is some truth to the myth. 

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Mythical Chinese Creatures: A Guide to the Fascinating Beasts of Chinese Folklore

Posted by Loida Fajardo on

If you're interested in Chinese mythology, you've likely heard of the many mythical creatures that populate its stories. From dragons to phoenixes, these creatures are steeped in symbolism and meaning, representing everything from good luck to power and strength. But there are many more creatures in Chinese mythology that are lesser-known but just as fascinating.

Let take a look at some of these well-known and not so well-known mythological chinese creatures.

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Mythical Pixies: Separating Fact from Fiction

Posted by Loida Fajardo on

Pixies are mythical creatures that have fascinated people for centuries. They are often depicted as tiny, mischievous beings with pointed ears and wings. Pixies are said to live in forests, meadows, and other natural settings, and are known for their playful nature and love of pranks. Discover more magical facts about pixies!

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